a wooden table topped with lots of different types of scissors

Gutenberg’s Multi-Block Patterns: Efficient Layouts

a wooden table topped with lots of different types of scissors


Gutenberg, the block editor for WordPress, has revolutionized the way we create and manage content on our websites. With its latest feature, Multi-Block Patterns, Gutenberg offers a powerful tool for creating efficient layouts that enhance the user experience. In this article, we will explore how Multi-Block Patterns can help you design stunning and functional web pages.

What are Multi-Block Patterns?

Multi-Block Patterns are pre-designed layouts that consist of multiple blocks. These patterns allow you to quickly create complex and visually appealing sections on your website. With Multi-Block Patterns, you can easily arrange and customize blocks to suit your content needs without having to start from scratch.

Efficiency and Flexibility

One of the key advantages of Multi-Block Patterns is their efficiency. Instead of manually adding and configuring each block individually, you can simply select a pattern and customize it to fit your requirements. This saves you time and effort, especially when creating repetitive sections such as testimonials, team member profiles, or pricing tables.

Moreover, Multi-Block Patterns offer a high level of flexibility. You can easily rearrange blocks within a pattern, add or remove blocks, and customize their settings to match your branding and design preferences. This allows you to create unique and personalized layouts that align with your website’s aesthetics.

How to Use Multi-Block Patterns

Using Multi-Block Patterns is straightforward. In the Gutenberg editor, click on the plus icon to add a new block. In the block inserter, navigate to the Patterns tab. Here, you will find a collection of predefined patterns that you can choose from.

Once you select a pattern, it will be added to your page. You can then customize the individual blocks within the pattern by editing their content, styling, and settings. You can also rearrange the blocks by dragging and dropping them to the desired position.

For advanced customization, you can explore the block settings panel, which allows you to fine-tune various aspects of each block, such as typography, colors, spacing, and more. This level of control ensures that you can create visually cohesive and engaging layouts that align with your brand identity.

Benefits for Web Developers

Multi-Block Patterns offer several benefits for web developers. Firstly, they provide a consistent and standardized approach to designing layouts. This ensures that the website maintains a cohesive look and feel across different pages and sections.

Secondly, Multi-Block Patterns simplify the development process. Instead of spending time coding complex layouts from scratch, developers can leverage pre-designed patterns and focus on other aspects of the website’s functionality. This saves time and allows developers to deliver projects more efficiently.

Lastly, Multi-Block Patterns are highly reusable. Once you create a pattern that works well for a particular section of your website, you can save it as a custom pattern and use it across multiple pages. This not only saves time but also promotes consistency throughout the website.


Gutenberg’s Multi-Block Patterns feature is a game-changer for website design and development. With its efficiency, flexibility, and ease of use, Multi-Block Patterns empower users to create stunning and functional layouts without the need for extensive coding or design skills. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, Multi-Block Patterns can revolutionize the way you design and manage your website.

So why wait? Dive into the world of Multi-Block Patterns and unleash the power of efficient layouts for your website!

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